Plews Garden Design

Everything Is Better With Plants

We Help Gardens Thrive!

What Can Plews Do For You?

Do you need a bespoke Garden Coaching Course? … Gardening Lessons? …. A Garden Design or Planting Design? … Perhaps there’s a problem in your garden and you need a consultancy visit for expert gardening advice? … Plews can offer you all of these services ……. Plus free resources like our award-winning Plews Potting Shed blog and a Gardening Glossary … The online shop has a wealth of useful eBooks for you to download, including our most recent title “Compost and Composting”.

There seems to be nothing that grows in my garden (wanted or unwanted) that Marie doesn't know about!

Next Workshops

Location: Biggin Hill, Westerham

Seed Sowing Tips and Tricks

Seed Sowing Tips and Tricks

Seed Sowing Tips and Tricks

Seed Sowing Tips and Tricks



Marie, an experienced gardener and teacher, delivers talks and lectures on a wide range of gardening topics, in person and sometimes online.

Plews News Tipsheet

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Spitfires and Slow Worms

For over 15 years, this garden slept, tangled in weeds and whispers of the past. Restoring it is both dream and reality—a battle of toil and wonder, loss and discovery. And now, its story is ready to be rewritten.

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